

Spunky, bold, and a total slapstick comedian at heart- Whitney has all the charm and pizazz as a puppy who belongs on the silver screen! For such a young gal- it’s amazing to watch her play, explore, and participate with zero fear and a complete willingness to dive into whatever is needed of her brains or body! She is quick, nimble, and clearly has advanced mechanics that communicate control just as much as a high level of intelligence! Whitney can be a bit of a swashbuckling scoundrel to the other pups who don’t quite have her level of confidence as she’s trying to lead them in her version of fun- so going to a home with an active family where she can be their cohort in action rather than live the life of a simple lap dog would be best! There is no doubt our girl will dish out some ornery just as much as she dishes out some sweetness- so finding humans who have some previous canine experience with bigger personalities will be a must! If you are looking for a super smart, athletic type who will use her charm and her sense of silly to recruit you into being her play partner- Whitney is the one for you!


Snickers (Father)

Weight: 18lb
Sex: Male
Registration: AKC

Sunny (Mother)

Weight: 16lb
Sex: Female
Registration: AKC